The Skinny on Skinny Jeans and Waxing!

An American study on wearing tight jeans and full waxing

Are your skinny jeans dangerous?

We don’t mean the Kendall Jenner/Harry Styles “Dangerously Sexy”-in-skinny-jeans kind of dangerous.

But get this: while skinny jeans are fabulously stylish and effortlessly sexy, have you ever wondered what extensive wear could do to your lady bits?

Come to think of it, skinny jeans are quite restrictive, and sometimes as we peel them off at the end of the day, we do let out a small sigh of relief...

While the NY Post has some concerning views on the “real skinny of skinny jeans,” research shows that our grooming habits and skinny jeans can in fact cause a very painful condition called “Vulvodyna.”

how can skinny jeans impact your vulva

What is Vulvodyna?

Yes, it’s a thing, and basically translates to a chronic pain condition that can last up to three months.  According to Cleveland Clinic , this pain may cause sexual dysfunction and it can negatively impact a woman’s quality of life. It is characterized by:

  •       Chronic and debilitating pain
  •       Pain that may be experienced randomly and flare up in response to touch (Ouch!)
  •       Pain that can feel like burning, stinging, aching, and even throbbing

An estimated 16% of women may experience these symptoms during their lifetime, and still extraordinarily little is known of the condition or what causes it! More recent studies, however, have revealed wardrobe choices and grooming habits to be a common denominator, which was published in the Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, and was the first study of its kind to highlight this link.

In a nutshell….
  •       Women who wore tight-fitting jeans (aka skinny jeans) or pants for four or more times per week had double the odds of getting Vulvodyna
  •       Women who removed pubic hair from the mons pubis were 74% more likely to experience Vulvodyna as opposed to those whose grooming habits stopped at the bikini line

Additionally…Tight fitting jeans can increase the risk of urinary tract infections (UTI’s) and increase the likelihood of yeast infections.


An accurate diagnosis is of paramount importance, says Dr. Strasburg: “Your gynecologist can screen for it, but it can be helpful to see a urogynecologist or a gynecologist who specializes in problems of the vulva.” Treatment could include:

  •       Oral and topical medication
  •       Botox injections to ease pelvic floor muscles
  •       Physical therapy
  •       Acupuncture and other alternate treatments

Often a combination of several treatments could be recommended depending on an individual. The process requires patience and time to arrive at which treatment would suit you, as there is no one size fits all solution. 

Happy Vulva, Happy You!

Prevention is the best cure, and some good hygiene habits can indeed reduce the risk of Vulvodyna.

Your vaginal area is the most intimate part of your body and, as such, it deserves special care and attention. Your daily habits of washing, wearing synthetic or tight clothes, and hormonal changes through your cycle can affect your intimate well-being like feelings of dryness, tingling, or discomfort. As a daily moisturizer, Rejuvenate can help bring nourishing, softening, rejuvenating, and protecting benefits to your vulva.

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